Privacy Policy

The purpose of the following Data Management Notice is to Glassy Anna EV (address: 1041 Budapest, Károlyi István u. 27-29. 1. lph. 1. em. 6 a.) (hereinafter: Data Controller or Üveges Anna EV) inform you about the data management operations carried out in the course of its activities by the European Parliament and the Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, and on the repeal of Regulation 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation Regulation (GDPR)) and in accordance with the provisions of the current Hungarian legislation.

Anna Üveges EV is considered a data controller (hereinafter: Data Controller) with regard to the data management described in this Data Management Information. Data controller contact information: phone: +36308743350, e-mail:

During its data management processes, the Data Controller complies with the provisions of the applicable laws and, when developing its data management practices, fully respects the protection of the fundamental rights and privacy of private individuals, paying particular attention to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the nature of the services it provides. The Data Controller pays particular attention to collecting, storing and using only the personal data necessary for its activities for the period and under the conditions specified in this information.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at at email address.


Data controller a on the website (website) and in the course of its professional activities, it carries out the following data management operations:

Type and purpose of data management Scope of processed data Duration of data management Legal basis for data management
Contact Name, email address, phone number, information you share In the case of a consultation, until the end of the 5th year following its completion, otherwise at the end of the semester following the inquiry GDPR § 6 (1) f) legitimate interest of the data controller
Providing consultation, therapeutic services, maintaining contact Name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, identical data of a minor, personal data revealed by you about you or a third party, special category of personal data or other information, individual consultation contract, parental declaration Until the end of the 5th year following the completion of the contract (conclusion of the consultation). According to points 6. (1) a) and 9. (2) a) GDPR, your consent and GDPR 6. (1) b) fulfillment of the contract between the parties
Payment of service fee In the case of a bank transfer, the data in the transfer report End of the 8th year following the year of payment GDPR 6. (1) c) legal obligation: Accounting Act § 169 (2)

At any time, you can find out in advance about the Data Controller's data management activities by viewing the Data Management Information on the website. The data controller considers the fact that you contacted him based on your own decision and disclosed what you want to share during the consultation as your voluntary consent (according to GDPR Article 6 (1) a) and Article 9 (2) a) or personal data about another person. You may withdraw your consent at any time, however, in this case it is possible that the Data Controller will not be able to provide you with the consultation service in the future.


Personal data is stored in the Data Controller's email account, on the website's storage space, and in the Data Controller's personal, paper-based or electronic notes.

The data controller stores the personal data stored on paper or electronically in secure conditions (locked cabinet and lockable room, protected with a password) so that no other person has access to it.

The consultation/therapy service can take place in a personal (offline) or virtual (online) environment, which is not recorded in either case - not even at the client's request. In the case of virtual (online) consultations, temporary invitations are deleted on a monthly basis, while permanent invitations are deleted the week after the end of the consultation.

NetMasters Europe Kft. (head office: 4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Diószegi S. u. 5., Company registration number: 09-09-025522, is used as a data processor to provide data management storage services and email correspondence. The data is stored in the territory of the European Union.

We protect your personal data with appropriate technical and other measures, as well as ensure the security and availability of the data, as well as protect them from unauthorized access, alteration, damage, disclosure and any other unauthorized use. As part of the technical measures, we use password protection and anti-virus software. However, we draw your attention to the fact that data transmission via the Internet cannot be considered a completely secure data transmission.


Use of website cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's end device (computer or mobile device) when the user visits certain websites. Cookies can be used for various purposes, e.g. they may be needed for the proper functioning of the website or we would like to deliver targeted advertising to you via an external service provider.

You can find the scope and characteristics of the cookies used on the website in the cookie panel. You are free to decide on the use of consent-related cookies when you visit the website.


We would like to inform you that, based on the law, you can assert your rights at the above-mentioned email address, based on which - within the framework specified in the law.

the) You can request access to the personal data processed about you or a copy thereof (Article 15)
b) You can request information regarding the main characteristics of data management (purpose, scope of data handled, data processors involved, duration of data management) (Article 15).
c) You can request the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning you without undue delay or the addition of incomplete personal data (Article 16).
d) You can request the deletion of your personal data without undue delay (Article 17) if the personal data are no longer needed for the purpose specified in point 1, (ii) if you object to data processing and the data controller has no other legal basis for data processing, (iii) data processing was unlawful. The data cannot be deleted if it is necessary for the presentation, enforcement or defense of a legal claim.
e) You can request the restriction of the use of data (Article 18).
f) You can request that the data you provide about you be received in a widely used, machine-readable format, or that we transmit it directly to another data controller (Article 20).
d) You may object to data processing, after which the Data Controller may process your data for the purpose specified in point 1 only if the data controller wishes to comply with a compelling legitimate reason (Article 21 (1)).
h) You can initiate proceedings at the supervisory authority of your place of residence, workplace or the place of the alleged infringement (Article 77).

In Hungary, the supervisory authority is the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11. or 1374 Budapest Pf. 603).

In the event of a violation of rights, you also have the option to initiate legal proceedings against the data controller or the data processor before the court of the Member State where the data controller or the data processor operates, as well as the competent court according to your place of residence.

In case of a request for information, we will respond to your request within 30 days at the contact information provided.

The current version of our Data Management Notice is always available on the website.

Budapest, July 22, 2024.