I am currently doing my assistant practice at the Változás Tere Psychological Center, where, in addition to individual consultations, I hold self-awareness groups based on my own method and deal with method development. I try to accompany my clients on the road to mental and physical healing using a modern methodological approach, on the path of self-identity. I am currently training in Wilber's Integral Psychology therapeutic methods at the Integral Academy. Among my long-term goals are the acquisition of trauma treatment methods and the study and practice of dynamically developing neuropsychology.
I am currently doing my assistant practice at the Változás Tere Psychological Center, where, in addition to individual consultations, I hold self-awareness groups based on my own method and deal with method development. I try to accompany my clients on the road to mental and physical healing using a modern methodological approach, on the path of self-identity. I am currently training in Wilber's Integral Psychology therapeutic methods at the Integral Academy. Among my long-term goals are the acquisition of trauma treatment methods and the study and practice of dynamically developing neuropsychology.
On the way to the world of trauma therapies - the Compassionate Inquiry method (May 2024 -
My big dream came true by being able to start training in trauma therapy through the method of Dr. Gábor Máté, a Hungarian-born Canadian doctor, writer and Sat Dharam Kaur ND.
The Compassionate Inquiry method means: Compassionate exploration. It is a body-based psychotherapy method that is optimized for exploring, processing and resolving trauma.
Integral consultant training (Integral Academy - Department of Integral Psychology, INTA)
September 2022- (present)
In the course of the training, through learning the theoretical and practical application of the integral psychology and integral approach created by Ken Wilber, I incorporate the integral approach consulting work into the psychologist's practice.
Certified psychologist (Károli Gáspár Reformed University BTK Institute of Psychology, clinical and health psychology specialization)
2017 – 2022
I obtained my (basic and) master's degree in psychology in the university's undergraduate program and then in the adult clinical specialization. During the specialization, among other things, I got to know first-hand the approach of psychosomatics, which is the focus of my interest, and methods based on altered states of consciousness. Completing the master's degree most suitable for obtaining the health psychology diploma due in the future greatly contributed to increasing my initial enthusiasm and mapping out further education.
SzomatoDrám researcher (Research Scholarship for the Nation's Young Talents)
June 2020 - December 2021
I am responsible for the development of the analysis procedure based on the first scientifically demanding study of the effectiveness of the SzomatoDráma® method and the writing of the thesis on it. In 2020, I won the National Scholarship for Young Talents for the second time, this time in the psychological sciences category. The supporter of the research project, which lasted almost two years, is the Human Resources Support Agency, as a background institution of the Ministry of Human Resources. I did the work under the professional supervision of my Master, Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy.
Bodywork is its own experience (Bodywork Association)
September 2021 - (present)
Bodywork's nondual group method, based on movement and body awareness, helps to perceive body sensations and emotions in the present "here and now" more and more clearly through the active practice of conscious presence. To this day, the method helps to increase my (body) awareness and physical self-awareness.
Ultrashort therapy consultant (Ultrashort therapy consultant training based on the Ultrashort Therapy® method developed by psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. László Buda)
September 2019 - December 2020
The intensive consultation method of Ultrarövid Terápia® is based on the application of a five-step model, which helps us to identify the key factors behind the most current blockages and difficulties in our lives in a relatively short time, with deep and effective intervention elements. The consultation based on the method is not considered psychotherapy, however, it offers safe grips and solution options for the initiation of self-healing processes that promote the healing/alleviation of physical diseases and symptoms, as well as supporting and preserving our mental and physical health, and for taking the necessary steps in practice. let's transplant it. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the training placed great emphasis on personal experience and thorough practice.
Personality disorders - Narcissistic Personality Disorder accredited training (Annomental Kft.)
February 2020
During the training, the presentations and case examples of the author of the best-selling book "The Greatest Book About Narcissism", psychiatrist Dr. György Bánki, and other experts in the field gave a deeper insight into the spectrum of narcissism, particularly touching on the personality dynamics characteristic of personality disorder and the different types of narcissistic personality. The theoretical knowledge was deepened by the joint discussion and processing of the cases, which provided useful clues for recognizing the characteristic features found in social relationships, for distinguishing them from other personality disorders, and for the personal and therapeutic application of treatment options.
SomatoDrama Basic Experience (Body to Soul Foundation, SzomatoDráma Center)
March 2019 - August 2019
The Basic Experience provides insight into the methodology of SzomatoDráma at the level of self-experience, which focuses on self-knowledge, self-healing, and experiencing the beneficial effects of the group experience. Body communication, the relationship between physical and mental functioning (the meeting points of biology and biography), the liberating experiences of imaginary meetings with important people in my life gave me the acid and pepper of the training, thereby emphasizing what I think is the main goal of self-knowledge: in a playful and spontaneous way, the to get closer at my own pace to what I did not dare to do until now and to feel my strength and courage in the moment of meeting and confrontation, in the holding power of the group, which I can then more easily call upon in similar situations in real life.
Professional Drawing Trainer (Magic Pencil Drawing School)
2016 – 2020
Fine arts and music have been an integral part of my life since I was a child. For nearly 10 years, I have been working with the right hemisphere drawing method developed by Dr. Betty Edwards. First, I taught drawing courses based on the traditional method as an intern and then as an art trainer. After my activity as a trainer, I developed the form-breaking, body-oriented direction of the Edwards method for almost a year, from which my thesis research work was born. I successfully applied the body-focused methodology at the Institute of Psychology to my fellow university students for experimental purposes and subjected it to a complex but encouraging impact assessment.
Ultrashort therapy consultant (volunteering)
From 2020 to now
This modern, intensive consultation method (see above) has so far mainly been for young adults I gained experience in self-awareness accompaniment for the purpose of helpers. At the invitation of the developer of the method, I continued my consulting activities as a volunteer in the framework of a private, free project until obtaining my psychology degree.
Image designer and artist (KaFiBi SomatoDrama Self-Knowledge Center)
January 2022 - June 2022
I actively contributed to the design of the artistic image of the KaFiBi SzomatoDráma Self-Knowledge Center, by creating drawings with a targeted psychological theme. At the request of the founder-professional, Tamás Sándorfi, I also created a portrait gallery of the Center's professionals, which was also presented at the largest self-knowledge and lifestyle festival in Europe, Everness.
Professional consultant, NFTÖ mentor candidate
National Talent Center
October 2020 - May 2021
As an Alumni mentor candidate for the National Young Talents Scholarship and as a professional consultant for the Talent Management Workshops, I had the opportunity to primarily support the self-awareness and spiritual development of talented young people and to facilitate group work based on this. The workshops were organized for the purpose of Covid-19, so that teenagers who are looking for their way and facing a career choice have the opportunity to connect with each other, share experiences and ask questions about the most important topics that concern them, even in the form of increased isolation. The focus of the groups I led was burnout and stress management, as well as success and failure.
Co-author, specialist translator, reader editor (Károli Gáspár Reformed University BTK Institute of Psychology)
2017 – 2020
I took part in the implementation of a research project that was presented as a poster at the XXVIIIth Congress of the Hungarian Psychological Society. at the National Scientific Assembly in Debrecen (2019): Relationships between health and mental state during pregnancy and intrauterine attachment (authors: Szilvia Péteri, Anna Üveges, Agnesa Vaculčiaková, Zsuzsanna Tanyi, Zsuzsanna Kövi). Regarding altered states of consciousness, I am a co-author of a scientific article: Szummer, Cs., Horváth L., Szabó A., Üveges A. (2019). Dreaming consciousness in phenomenology and dasein analysis. Daseinsanalyse – Jahrbuch für phenomenologische Anthropologie und Psychotherapie, 35(1), pp. 1-7.
Professional practice (With Soul for Health Foundation)
September 2020-2020 December
The main profile of the Foundation is workplace health promotion, which I helped by preparing psycho-educational materials, observing and assisting in school health psychology programs, and conducting individual consultations.
Professional practice (Pancreas Department, Institute of Transplantation and Gastroenterology, Semmelweis University)
March 2021-2021 May
At the Clinic, I supported the work of the specialist psychologists and specialists working in the department by carrying out tasks with a health psychology profile, including the first interview with the patients treated in the department, and supportive conversations for the purpose of surgical preparation.
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Website creator: Dr. Csaba Buda, logo designer: Dr. László Buda, photos: Szabina Nemes