The message of our soul book publication

Based on the selection of the Medicina Publishing House, it is an honor that my book The message of our soul on the roads of our body: the SzomatoDráma effect model was presented at the beginning of February 2024 At the 10th anniversary conference of the Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Academy of General Practitioners In front of an audience of more than 600 professionals in Siófok. At the meeting, they tried to create a dialogue between the body and the soul within a scientific framework.

Second edition

endless joy - A new edition of the book is on the horizon...
I was touched by the news from Medicina Kiadó on April 11, 2024 (Hungarian Poetry Day) that, due to the great interest, the first edition of the book entitled The message of our soul on the paths of our body: the SzomatoDráma effect model will be followed by another two months after its publication.
Thank you very much to everyone who follows my work.
That's why it's worth working on, watering what was just a thought at the time.
Thanks go to the staff of Medicina Kiadó, with whom this idea took shape.

It has appeared!

It was published The message of our soul in the ways of our body: The SomatoDrama effect model my book, which can already be purchased on Medicina Kiadó's website and is already available in several bookstores!

I would like to express my gratitude for the recommendations to my Masters, Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy professor emerita, training European psychotherapist and Dr. László Buda psychiatrist, psychotherapist, the creator of SomatoDráma - the healing play method, who professionally supervised and supported the process of the birth of this book from the beginning. I learned a lot from them, not only about professional skills, but also about myself.

I want to express my thanks Dr. Balázs Lázár gastroenterologist specialist, university lecturer. I started writing the book as a result of my university internship at SOTE Pancreas Diseases Department, where he also practices. On my first day at the Clinic, he was the first to lend a hand. Thank you for your reader's feedback written on the back of the cover, for once again "reaching out" and believing in me.

I owe you a debt of gratitude Redl Adrienne mental health specialist, integral consultant, Bodywork group leader, who has accompanied the development of my life for a long time as my spiritual guide. I look up to Adri both professionally and personally. The meeting with him fundamentally changed my life, my attitude towards myself and towards fulfillment. This book, the writing of which was in itself a journey of self-discovery, is also thanks to him.

Thank you very much Mária Mikó Kelemen the personal, heart-to-heart feedback of a chemical technician who, as a professional active in an equally important corner of healthcare, considered my work worthy of deepening and forming an opinion about it.

Thank you very much for the portrait photos for the book To noble Szabina, who stood by me as a close friend and colleague.

I would like to say a special thank you to For players, who volunteered to participate in the research project. I am deeply grateful for their generosity and steadfast presence.

I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the research support team, dr. Szabolcs Takács for an applied mathematician, Healing Moments – Pataki Bea Addictologist physician for SomatoDrama Specialist, and Solti to Katalin Vanda, to Dr. László Buda's direct colleague, who stood by my side and supported me throughout my work with their expertise and helpful presence.

I would especially like to express my gratitude to my closest family To my mother and the to my circle of friends. The devoted, unconditional love and support I received from them was a spiritual resource that helped me write this book in its authenticity and completeness.

Special gratitude and thanks are due for the help provided in the Hungarian publication of the book Frigyesnét Farkasvölgyi, the Medicina Publishing House CEO, who found the manuscript I wrote worthy of publication. Thanks Zoltán Jécsai graphic artist, the carefully worked illustrations that brought the atmosphere, intensity, and power of the Games to life on paper. Thanks also Julia Makra responsible editor for his very precise work, his all-encompassing attention and his kindness towards me. I am thankful Imre to Judit the creation of the imaginative and unique cover worthy of the book. We understood each other perfectly even with a few words. I am also grateful to to all employees of Medicina Publishing, who contributed to the birth of this book with their expertise and experience.

And thank you, Dear future readers the interest, love and respectful attention towards my work. This book is about the miracle that lies within us - and therefore in you, in all of us. May the experience of reading bring wonderful self-discovery, healing, and fulfillment. This is what I wish.

Based on the selection of the Medicina Publishing House, it is an honor that my book The message of our soul on the roads of our body: the SzomatoDráma effect model was presented at the beginning of February 2024 At the 10th anniversary conference of the Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Academy of General Practitioners In front of an audience of more than 600 professionals in Siófok. At the meeting, they tried to create a dialogue between the body and the soul within a scientific framework.

Second edition

endless joy - A new edition of the book is on the horizon...
I was touched by the news from Medicina Kiadó on April 11, 2024 (Hungarian Poetry Day) that, due to the great interest, the first edition of the book entitled The message of our soul on the paths of our body: the SzomatoDráma effect model will be followed by another two months after its publication.
Thank you very much to everyone who follows my work.
That's why it's worth working on, watering what was just a thought at the time.
Thanks go to the staff of Medicina Kiadó, with whom this idea took shape.

Already on the shelves of bookstores

This sight welcomed the cozy Medicina bookstore in Baross Street in his shop window on the afternoon of March 13, 2024. Like the lost chick in the book, the The message of our soul in the ways of our body - the SomatoDrama effect model - book was also recently published.

And the layout reflects reality: Psychiatrist Dr. László Buda created SzomatoDráma, the existence of which called forth its research and the SomatoDrama effect model his birth. Rooting the future of the method in scientific circles (also). A dream within a dream that Laci's books (What does your body say? & What does your soul say?) this can also stand next to it.

Thanks for the careful compilation For the employees of Medicina Könyvdyádó.

March 20 - World Day of Happiness - the workers at the Üllői út shop of the Medicina book publisher also made an experiment, as they also know the acid/pepper of life.
THE The message of our soul in the ways of our body it is now exerting its influence in the shop window in the company of medical books.

I was happy to realize that from March 2024 the Slovak one Family Book Club (the largest book trade company in the Highlands From Dunaszerdahely with headquarters) the book entitled SzomatoDráma-hitásmodell is also available to Hungarian-speaking readers across the border. I am thankful!

Courtesy of Medicina Könyvdiádó a SomatoDrama effect model The book was held on March 22 and 23, 2024 17. For the Budapest Continuing Education Course in Infectious Diseases too. For my part, this is a book intended as a travel companion for many among valuable medical books got a seat.
Antibiotic therapy was the focus of the event, which is why it is a special honor that this soul-diving work could be part of the elementary components, since expanding the physical and mental library is equally important.
As Thure von Uexküll once said:

"There is just so little sense in 'a body without a soul'
to heal with medical science, as
to heal the "soul without body" with psychology."

The Kölcsey Cultural Center was held in Debrecen Hungarian Psychiatric Association XXVII. Wandering Assembly 29.05.2024-01.06.2024. between.
The presentation of the following two books by Medicina Könyvkiadó awaited the participants: Páratlan parósok-psychiatrist with eyes and Practical psychiatry.
I am glad to see that the SomatoDrama effect model the book was also available for those interested.

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THE Medicina Book Publisher pavilion a During the 95th Festive Book Week (June 13-16, 2024) on Vörösmarty square in the immediate vicinity of Gerbeaud Cukrászda (pavilion 18).
Among the valuable and beautiful works was the The message of our soul in the ways of our body: the SomatoDrama effect model also the book. The sight filled me with endless gratitude and joy.
On Sunday, June 16, 2024, Medicina Könyvkiadó invited me to a stage discussion with a book signing, to which I gladly accepted.

The podium discussion István Szabados-Molnár SomatoDrama Referee I offer it to his memory, to whom I owe my first personal experience in the SzomatoDráma method. I am grateful to have known him and learned from him.

(The photos were taken by Anetta Lengyelné Barta).

Moments from the on-stage discussion connected with the dedication on June 16, 2024.
I would like to thank everyone for their respectful attention and presence.
Special thanks to Medicine Publishing House, the moderator of the conversation, Victoria Gergely, as well as my professional supervisors Prof. Dr. Bagdy Emokék and Dr. László Buda.

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Thank you for the publication of the book

The opinion of Dr. László Buda, the developer of the SzomatoDráma method, about the book

THE Somatodrama in the 15 years since its birth, it has reached many thousands of people. The feedback from the participants and the experiences of the professionals trained in the meantime leave no doubt that the method works.

Another question is how whether the effectiveness of the procedure can be verified with scientific measuring instruments. It is a major milestone in the life of a "young" method if this happens.

That is why it is so important in our professional life that a Medicine publishing house finally appeared in his care "THE MESSAGE OF OUR SOUL on the roads of our body: The SomatoDrama - model of effect" the book.

The work belongs to the SomatoDrama method impact assessment with scientific demands presents and comes to the same conclusion as almost everyone who has tried it: the thing works, uses, brings changes, helps to heal.

But now we also know more precisely how this can be done to measure and quantify the effect.

The book will appear in its physical form at the 10th anniversary conference of the Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Academy of General Practitioners, opening opportunities for collaboration and building bridges between medical, psychotherapy, psychosomatic approaches and SomatoDrama.

Thanks to Anna Üveges, the author of this book, which is so important to us, for his persistent and thorough research work, as well as To Bea Pataki, for leading the SomatoDrama groups included in the study, Solti for Vanda for administrative help, and to everyone involved in this work.

Üveges Anna Könyv angolul
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Külföldi nyitás, avagy New York-ba „költözik” a Lelkünk üzenete testünk útjain: a SzomatoDráma-hatásmodell c. könyvem angol verziója

THE New York-i székhelyű Nova Sciences Publishers Kiadóval kötött megállapodásunkkal összhangban előkészületben van az itthon a harmadik utánnyomáshoz közel álló könyvem angol verziójának kiadása, amelyben a Dr. Buda László által megalkotott SzomatoDráma tudományos alátámasztásának alapjait, egy testreszabott hatásmodell kidolgozásának történetét írtam meg. A nem várt, ám annál jobban eső nagy érdeklődésre tekintettel a könyv ezúttal a külföldön élő olvasóközönség számára is hozzáférhetővé válik. Az angol nyelvű e-kiadvány várhatóan a 2025. év első felében már elérhető lesz.

Hálás vagyok Dr. Buda Lászlónak, Dr. Takács Szabolcsnak, Dr. Fehér Pálma Virágnak és Dr. Kántor Árpádnak, akikkel az angol nyelvű verzió megjelenése kapcsán lehetőségem adódik szorosan együttműködni. Szakvéleményeikre kincsként tekintek.

Külön köszönet illeti Dr. Balázs Lázárt, Redl Adriennet és Kelemenné Mikó Máriát, akik hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy az angol nyelvű e-könyvben megjelenjen a magyar verzióban írt ajánlásuk.

Hálásan köszönöm Farkasvölgyi Frigyesnének a Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt. vezérigazgatójának, aki a könyv angol nyelvű verziójának megjelenését az első pillanattól támogatta, bátorítólag állt és áll mellettem, szakmailag és emberileg egyaránt.

Reader reviews

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Anna Uveges Artist's drawing

A short quote from a young artist who contributed to the anonymous publication of his work and the post about it: "Dear Anna, (…) it's wonderful what you do, what you represent. Thank you for being you."

Reader opinion image

Reader's note in picture: When in reality the messages of our soul take flight...

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Reader image

This photo, which touches me and conveys a special message, is feedback from the readers about the fact that self-knowledge cannot be started early enough... It reached the heart, it hit the spot! I am thankful! Approaching the spring awakening, the celebration of rebirth, this image conveys to me relaxation, breathing in the new, safety, retention. In a helping relationship, these are the foundations for true immersion, healing, growth, or whatever we desire.

Reader picture 2

When a Reader starts his Sunday morning with messages from his soul…

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When a Reader's soul closes one day of the week with messages...


Egy család- és rendszerállítótól kapott 2024. augusztus eleji vélemény nyomán a Lelkünk üzenete testünk útjain: a Szomatodráma-hatásmodell c. könyvemből a következő két gondolatot „viszi magával”:

A negatív érzelmek elfojtása, elnyomása hosszú távon meggátolja az idegi-hormonális áramlás természetes ritmusát, és az "érzelmi torlasz következtében felhalmozódó stressz krónikussá válása kezdetben finomabb jelzések, testi tünetek, később betegségek formájában köszönhet vissza.

A betegség addig ,,időzik" bennünk amíg el nem éri célját, és jó esetben tudatosul bennünk a változtatás szükségessége.

Vajdasági köszönet

2024 augusztusában kapott olvasói visszajelzés Szerbiából, a Vajdaság területéről:

„Anna könyve a Lelkünk üzenete testünk útjain: a Szomatodráma-hatásmodell nagyon megfogott. A Budapesten élő gimis osztálytársnőmön keresztül jutottam hozzá. Már sor ismerősnek és kollégának ajánlottam. Szabadkán élek, és úgy hiszem, hogy sok embernek segítene, mert nagyon aktuális problémákkal foglalkozik. A legszebbeket kívánom!”

Öröm. Ezúttal a Mandinerben esik szó a Lelkünk üzenete testünk útjain: a SzomatoDráma-hatásmodell c. könyvemről.

A cikk interjúalanya Pataki Bea addiktológus gyógyász, a SzomatoDráma egyik hivatalos oktatója, tapasztalt és szakavatott gyakorlója. Sokat tanultam tőle az elmúlt évek során. Érdemes időt szánni erre az értékes gondolatokkal teli írásra. Engem megszólított.

Kedves Bea, gratulálok és köszönöm a cikkben a kedves méltatást.