I am Anna Üveges, psychologist, writer, researcher, Ultrashort therapy consultant, artist, a The message of our soul in the ways of our body: The SomatoDrama effect model author of the book.
I find more and more that it is vital to be able to stay in touch with ourselves even in the midst of the rush of everyday life, and for this the signals of our own body are more than our authentic and unabashedly honest road signs. The only question is, are we paying enough attention to them?
I am Anna Üveges, psychologist, writer, researcher, Ultrashort therapy consultant, artist, a The message of our soul in the ways of our body: The SomatoDrama effect model author of the book.
I find more and more that it is vital to be able to stay in touch with ourselves even in the midst of the rush of everyday life, and for this the signals of our own body are more than our authentic and unabashedly honest road signs. The only question is, are we paying enough attention to them?
During our individual sessions, I can help you with the following:
During our individual sessions, I can help you with the following:
Attila József's words faithfully reflect the purpose and significance of the healing relationship for me:
I integrate my work as a psychologist with the intensive, deep and effective consultation method of Ultra-Brief Therapy® developed by Dr. László Buda, with the help of which you can gain insight into the psychological factors behind your physical or lifestyle symptoms, your relationship patterns, and your functioning within a foreseeable time, at your own pace. Awareness of these in itself has a healing power during the process: the method supports self-healing processes in a personalized and practice-oriented way, relieves stress and anxiety, while the steps leading to the desired goal, the "how to proceed" become easier to outline. . Even in a crisis situation, these are key points for recognizing your own opportunities and roles. Especially when you feel like you may have lost your inner grip and control over what is happening in your life.
Hivatásomban a lelki segítés, a tudományos kutatás és a művészeti alkotás egyedi ötvözésére törekszem. Szakmai érdeklődésem fókuszát a test és lélek kapcsolata, a szomatopszichoterápiák világa, a nonduális szemléletmódon alapuló testorientált módszerek gyakorlata és tanulmányozása képezik. Ennek kapcsán nevemhez köthető a SzomatoDráma® módszer hatásosságának első tudományos igényű vizsgálatára épülő, önálló elemző modell kidolgozása, illetve egy, a testfókuszú szemléletmódot és a hagyományos jobb agyféltekés rajzolást egységesítő rajzolási metodika kifejlesztése. A lelki segítés iránti elköteleződésemben Mesteremmel, Prof. Dr. Bagdy Emőkével való találkozásunk jelenti számomra mai napig az első mérföldkövet. Nagy álmom teljesült azzal, hogy Dr. Máté Gábor magyar származású kanadai orvos, író és Sat Dharam Kaur ND módszerén keresztül elindulhattam a traumaterápiában képződés útján. A Compassionate Inquiry method jelentése: Együttérző feltárás. Ez egy, a traumák feltárására, feldolgozására és oldására optimalizált test- és trauma alapú pszichoterápiás módszer.
As a private person, I also confess that it is not only important to connect when "everything is fine" in our lives. The real strength lies in the fact that when we feel that we cannot climb the mountains that rise before us alone, we dare to ask for help. I help you on the way to physical and mental healing with a modern toolkit that I feel is effective, profound and can be used in the long term even in my own life to this day.
During the individual sessions, I create an opportunity for you to find your identity in a safe relationship space, to experience your real emotions through the messages of your body, so that through them you can experience your strength and your inner axis that keeps you in balance, which are your inexhaustible spiritual resources for a lifetime.
As a private person, I also confess that it is not only important to connect when "everything is fine" in our lives. The real strength lies in the fact that when we feel that we cannot climb the mountains that rise before us alone, we dare to ask for help. I help you on the way to physical and mental healing with a modern toolkit that I feel is effective, profound and can be used in the long term even in my own life to this day.
During the individual sessions, I create an opportunity for you to find your identity in a safe relationship space, to experience your real emotions through the messages of your body, so that through them you can experience your strength and your inner axis that keeps you in balance, which are your inexhaustible spiritual resources for a lifetime.
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Thanks to lawyer Dr. Krisztina Ivanics (Ivanics Ügyvédi Iroda) for the elaboration and professional compliance of the Data Management Information.
Website creator: Dr. Csaba Buda, logo designer: Dr. László Buda, photos: Szabina Nemes