I warmly greet you, dear Interested Party!

I am Anna Üveges, psychologist, writer, researcher, Ultrashort therapy consultant, artist, a The message of our soul in the ways of our body: The SomatoDrama effect model author of the book.

I was born in 1998 in Novi Sad, in the former Yugoslavia. I obtained my diploma in Budapest, at the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the Gáspár Reformed University of Károli.

The focus of my helping practice is the exploration of the spiritual connections and patterns behind the various physical and lifestyle symptoms and the self-awareness work aimed at reworking them. I try to accompany my clients on the road to mental and physical healing using a modern methodological approach, on the path of self-identity.

My professional interests focus on the relationship between body and soul, somatopsychology, body-oriented methods, and the practice and study of the integral approach.

Thank you for your respectful attention and interest in my work!
You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

Glassy Anna
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The message of our soul book publication

It has appeared!

It was published The message of our soul in the ways of our body: The SomatoDrama effect model my book, which can already be purchased on Medicina Kiadó's website and is already available in several bookstores!

I would like to express my gratitude for the recommendations to my Masters, Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy professor emerita, training European psychotherapist and Dr. László Buda psychiatrist, psychotherapist, the creator of SomatoDráma - the healing play method, who professionally supervised and supported the process of the birth of this book from the beginning. I learned a lot from them, not only about professional skills, but also about myself. …

Based on the selection of the Medicina Publishing House, it is an honor that my book The message of our soul on the roads of our body: the SzomatoDráma effect model was presented at the beginning of February 2024 At the 10th anniversary conference of the Psychiatric and Psychosomatic Academy of General Practitioners In front of an audience of more than 600 professionals in Siófok. At the meeting, they tried to create a dialogue between the body and the soul within a scientific framework.

My professional journey

I am currently doing my assistant practice at the Változás Tere Psychological Center, where, in addition to individual consultations, I hold self-awareness groups based on my own method and deal with method development. I try to accompany my clients on the road to mental and physical healing using a modern methodological approach, on the path of self-identity.

Feedback from clients about individual consultations

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Individual consultation

Life situations, even periods of life, may arise in which you feel that you cannot find your inner handholds, you fight within yourself (or even with yourself) and you are unsure of how to continue on your path. 

If you feel that you would like to take care of your mental and health condition through self-knowledge, find your inner resources, thereby creating a more self-identified, balanced life for yourself, and you would like to use my support for this, you can contact me by filling out the form on the website.


I would like to give you a small taste of what the experience of creating art can give you in terms of self-knowledge. For this, I used a selection of my works made over the past ten years.

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