ÜVEGES ANNA English logó

The Book

We are preparing to open abroad…
Manuscript of the English version of the book The Message of Our Soul Through The Pathways of Our Body: the SomatoDrama Effect Model is close to its finalization

In view of the unexpected – but all the more welcome – interest from abroad (Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Ukraine, Canada, South Africa and the United States of America), we are diligently working on the compilation of the English version of the book (of which currently the fourth reprint is in commerce in Hungary), to make it available to the readers.

Regarding the book – in which I wrote the foundations of the scientific support for the SomatoDrama developed by László Buda MD PhD psychiatrist, psychotherapist, through the story of the development of a customized impact model – the search for a foreign publisher is in progress. I hope to be able to provide more details on its expected availability soon.

I am grateful to László Buda MD PhD psychiatrist, psychotherapist, developer of the SomatoDrama method, Árpád Kántor PhD clinical psychologist, lecturer, Virág Fehér Pálma PhD psychologist, psychotherapist and Szabolcs Takács PhD university associated professor. I have opportunity to work with all of them on the English version of the manuscript. Their opinions are treasure for me.

Special thanks go to Balázs Lázár MD, Adrienn Rédl and Mária Kelemenné Mikó, who contributed to the publication of their recommendations given in Hungarian in the English version of the e-book.

I am grateful to Frigyesné Farkasvölgyi, CEO of Medicina Publishers. She supported publication of the English version of the book from the first moment. She has been and is still encouraging me, both professionally and personally.

The Book
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